Loraine Masiya Mponela is a Malawian community organiser and migrants rights campaigner based in England. She is the Ex-chairperson (2018-2022) for Coventry asylum and refugee action group (CARAG), a peer-led self-organised community group. Loraine has a lovely son, Comfort and recently released her debut poetry book “I Was Not Born a Sad Poet”

you can order the book here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Was-Not-Born-Sad-Poet/dp/B0BHL4R1JL/

podcast with subtitles below:
B.O.O.K Podcast episodes:
Adelaide Bannerman
Jade Blackstock &
Ryan Christopher
Darren Pritchard
Amandine Gay
Loraine Masiya Mponela
Evelyn Duah
Fatou Kiné Diouf
Titilayo Adebayo
Black Power Naps
Maria Muehombo/ M I M I
Ibrahim Cissé
Hang Linton
Loraine Masiya Mponela