The B.O.O.K Podcast is a chill DIY 'podcast'/ artist conversation hosted by Sym Mendez & melissandre varin. Artists were invited to share an extract by a Black author (essays, poetry, lyrics, fiction, non-fiction) that is close to their heart and/ or practise.

the artists were offered 3 questions to punctuate their time together:

- who was waiting for you to be born?
- who is holding you tight for you to grow?
- how to create loving environments in the arts (too)?
B.O.O.K Podcast episodes:
Adelaide Bannerman
Jade Blackstock &
Ryan Christopher
Darren Pritchard
Amandine Gay
Loraine Masiya Mponela
Evelyn Duah
Fatou Kiné Diouf
Titilayo Adebayo
Black Power Naps
Maria Muehombo/ M I M I
Ibrahim Cissé
Hang Linton